Let's talk about white (poem)

Let's talk about white. White is becoming a confusing color. White is feeling threatened. White wants to stay white. White thinks it is more intelligent. White has weapons. Let's talk about white. A white space in someone's mind. An empty place. A place with no foreigners. A place that is not human. A place that is just white. Let's talk about white. White is just a color of light, or is it? White light comprises all colors. White is light, or is it? There is a color spectrum of white. White waves, are they white? Maybe they're red, or infrared. They might be blue, maybe they are violet, maybe they are ultraviolet.

Why do we want to make a concept, related to light, that can't actually be defined by a tone, a way to define a person.

People are not made out of light. They are made of flesh. Flesh is not white. Because flesh is not light.

White, oh white. Let's forget about you for a second and focus on us, on humans, on people, on love. Let's forget about white. Let's focus on hearts, on minds, on hands, on feet, on faces, on words, on peace.

Let the white flag be a flag, and the people to be people.

We are one.


Santiago Soto


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